Yacht Port Cartagena joins ECOEMBES en El caso Basuraleza

06/12/2021 | enviromental

Yacht Port Cartagena joins ECOEMBES in El Caso Basuraleza, a campaign that seeks to reduce the impact of garbage on Nature.
On December 12, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., we will carry out a garbage collection around the Fajardo Battery.
If interested in joining us, please email at marina@yachtportcartagena.com

Our fields, forests and mountains are part of El Caso Basuraleza, a phenomenon that we can only stop together in a single team: Ciencia Ciudadana.
Libera launches El Caso Basuraleza, a new campaign for the collection of 1m2 through the Countryside, Forests and Mountains, which will take place from December 4 to 12. To fight garbage we have e-Litter, an app that will help us to characterize the most abundant waste in these natural environments and thus help us to end the impact of garbage. Join up!