Yacht Port Cartagena, committed to CSR, supports ASTUS in its 50th Anniversary

05/10/2017 | From Yacht Port Cartagena

ASTUS (Association for the Protection of the Disabled) is a charitable, non-profit association born in 1967 of the union of a small group of parents with children with intellectual disabilities and/or cerebral palsy, concerned for the future of their children.
Today ASTUS serves more than 600 people with disabilities and their families in Cartagena, thanks to the different centres and services that have been created throughout this half-century of life, in which there is a comprehensive care to the disabled person, from prevention and early care to guardianship and housing, through education, leisure and culture and maximizing their capabilities in all stages of life.
Last October 1st, to celebrate the 50 Anniversary of ASTUS, a commemorative concert purchased by the Tercio de Levante and directed by Commander Jaime Enguídanos, was organized.
Yacht Port Cartagena wanted to participate in this event inviting its clients and friends to attend the concert, which was most enjoyable thanks to the wonderful execution and the good atmosphere of this event.